Free Roadside Assistance - Currently available in Kansas, Minnesota and Missouri

Why free roadside assistance?

At Esurance, our goal is to be there for you when you need us most. That's why we have friendly experts available 24/7. And it's also why we offer FREE roadside assistance. When trouble strikes, we've got your back. Always.

What is it?

It's our way of saying that we have your back. Flat tires and dead batteries can happen. But we won't leave you stranded.

Towing and labor coverage (sometimes called emergency road service coverage) offers peace of mind and can help make a roadside mishap a lot less dreadful by providing the following services:

And when you include comprehensive and collision coverage on your car, roadside assistance is FREE.

The coverage is vehicle-specific, which means you can add it to any or all cars on your policy.

How do I get it?

If you purchased your policy before September 23, 2015, free roadside assistance will be automatically added to vehicles with comprehensive and collision coverage at your next renewal.

If you purchased your policy September 23, 2015 or later, give us a call and one of our friendly experts will help you add the coverage (for free!) to your vehicles with comprehensive and collision coverage.

How do I use it?

Esurance roadside assistance has you covered 24/7. When you're in a jam, our operators are standing by and ready to help arrange a tow, or send someone to get your car moving again.

As an added convenience, we provide detailed status updates on your smartphone letting you know when the truck is en route, the driver's name, and the estimated time of arrival. Many of the trucks have GPS tracking as well so you can see their progress as they make their way to you.

Just keep in mind that free roadside assistance applies only to the car (or cars) and not the driver. So if you're driving someone else's car, it doesn't apply.

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