
Start an auto claim

Contact your claim rep

or call 1-800-378-7262

Or call 1-800-378-7262 and let us help you out.

mobile phone screenshot showing photo claims

Get back on the road in no time

Esurance is here to make your claim experience as quick and easy as possible. Use Esurance Mobile to track and manage your claim. Don't skip a beat. Pick up where you left off, ASAP.

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How we make claims quick and easy

24/7 icon

File your claim, day or night

Accidents can happen anytime. But Esurance is always ready to help. Start your claim online, or through Esurance Mobile. Or talk to an expert at 1-800-378-7262.

Report your claim

tow truck icon

Use Roadside Assistance

If you're stranded and have towing and labor coverage, just tap for a tow truck with Esurance Mobile. Then track your rescue as it makes its way to you. Simple. Easy. Safe.

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Claims FAQs

After an accident, you may feel a little shaken. Assuming you're safe and sound, document as much as you can. Try to get the following info at the scene to make the claims process a little smoother:

  • Names of all drivers involved
  • Number of people in each car
  • Addresses of other drivers involved
  • Phone numbers
  • Names of other drivers' insurance companies
  • Other drivers' policy numbers
  • Phone numbers of their insurance companies (if they have it on hand)
  • License plate numbers of other cars
  • Descriptions of other cars involved in accident (year, make, model)
  • Witness information (names and numbers)
  • Photos of the damage
  • Name and badge number of the responding officer (if one arrived)

Until all the facts are known, we suggest that you don't apologize or admit fault at the scene. Just state the facts as you know them for now. This may become important down the road.

After reporting a claim, rest easy. A dedicated claims representative will contact you within one business day to gather accident info. If the damage is minor, you may qualify for our virtual appraisal process. Your claims representative is committed to helping every step of the way. If you ever have any questions or something isn't clear, reach out to your rep. They can help:

  • Decide how the damage will be inspected (or if an inspection is needed).
  • Arrange a rental car, if needed.
  • Explain how you can track your claim online.
  • Suggest trusted repair shops in your area.
  • Give you an update on your claim status.
  • Answer any and ALL questions.
  • Settle your claim quickly and fairly.

Not all claims require an inspection and if you qualify for the virtual claims process, you may be able to skip this step. But if you do need an inspection, your claims rep will schedule an appointment with an appraiser to examine your car.

From there, your claims rep will contact you with an estimate for repairs.

That's up to you! Feel free to take your car to any shop for inspection and repairs. Or in most states, we can help you find a nearby direct repair facility which is part of our nationwide network of trusted facilities.

If you have rental car coverage on your policy we can help you stay on the road while your car gets fixed. If you don't have rental coverage, we can help you get a competitive rental rate from a preferred agency.