Take a stand against insurance fraud.
Insurance fraud is a crime that occurs when someone knowingly lies to an insurer in order to receive payments. These crimes can drive up insurance premiums for everyone. Esurance works to fight against insurance fraud to help protect you from these increases. You can learn how to identify and report fraud so that you lower your chances of becoming a victim of a scam.
Fraud hurts everyone.
Insurance fraud can happen anywhere and come in many forms. While you may not be directly involved with a fraudulent claim, this type of crime can drive up insurance premiums for all policyholders.
See how fraud hurts everyone.
Esurance helps fight fraud.
To help prevent insurance fraud from increasing your premiums, Esurance partners with law enforcement and regulatory agencies to help fight fraud every day. You can also explore Esurance resources that can help you identify and report insurance fraud crimes.
Learn how Esurance helps fight fraud.
Protect yourself from fraud.
According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), insurance fraud pushes up the average American family's auto insurance premiums by as much as $300 per year1. Fraud isn't always easy to detect, but you can learn how to spot an insurance scam.
Explore ways to protect yourself from fraud.
Avoid consumer scams.
From faked injuries to staged thefts, fraud comes in many forms. Knowing what to look for and understanding how fraud affects you can help you avoid scams.
Avoid consumer scams.
Help put an end to fraud.
If you become aware of insurance fraud, call 1-800-TEL-NICB to report it. You can anonymously report fraud and help keep your insurance premiums from going up.